Flarble Toy
Oh ... and ours FLY!!!
Flarbles® are a decidedly low-tech toy, but who says a toy has to be high tech to be fun? Fidget toys are in demand and Flarbles®, made in the USA by Rock Creek Molding Incorporated, not only qualify as fidget toys, they are fun for party games and useful for physical therapy excercises. Whether you are a small toy store owner looking for something new, or a large retailer looking for something intriguingly different, to someone looking for part time income selling at local craft or holiday fairs, Flarbles are a simple, fun, and inexpensive toy that people of any age can learn to fly in just a few seconds.
They also make the ideal stocking stuffer for Christmas, or birthday, special occasion, wedding or holiday themed party favors.
For a full refund, items must be returned within 10 days. If shipped, day one is considered the day that your order arrives to you. If picking up, day one is considered the date that the order was placed.
Store credit will be given for up to 30 days after the purchase date. The store credit amount will match the current in-store price. No returns are accepted after 30 days.
Discounted items and customized items cannot be returned. Tags must still be attached.